Improv for Confidence & Joy Rapid City, SD Style!

Have you ever wanted to try improv?

Would you like more confidence & joy in your life?

June 20th 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

1602 Mountain View Road, Rapid City, SD

Do you find yourself in situations where you have something to say but suddenly you go blank?

Are you quiet at work meetings because its hard for you to speak up?

Do you think:
"I could never do improv, because I would freeze!"

If so, you are my people. :-)

As someone who is in recovery from extreme social anxiety...from blanking out, living in freeze and generally fearing saying or doing the wrong is a pleasure of mine to watch that freeze thaw out in the safe structure of an improv workshop.

You see...improv is all about getting out of our heads.
Moving from our instincts.
Learning to trust ourselves.
Finding our unique brand of humor or brilliance without forcing anything to happen.

Sound like something you are needing?

I hope you will come join us!

Although it's play and lighthearted and very silly looking at times, this work is deep work.
It changes lives.
It frees people up.

And I'm sure you want to be able to move and speak more fluidly and freely in your life.

"Improv helped me so much more than Toastmasters in feeling more comfortable getting in front of people and being seen because you have so many more opportunities to do small practices in a super supportive environment." J.S. Raleigh, NC

 "Being a public speaker; interacting with difficult people; diffusing emotional situations; teaching classes; & finding more effective ways of relating on a one to one basis with many things that helped my career since I have taken improv classes with you."
J.B. Pittsboro, NC

"Really helped my social anxiety!" A.A. Rapid City, S.Dakota

"Me and my husband took the workshop together. After learning “Yes, And” our relationship and communication really improved. It helped me have a new outlook on life and what I believe is possible in the world.”
Joanne Scharer, Salem, Oregon

“I’m usually a timid person…but it was amazing to me how I was able to let go, have fun, and at the same time build my confidence!”
— MA, Chapel Hill, NC

Meet Your Instructor!

Ready to try improv?

No prior experience needed. 

This workshop is all-levels.

Do you want to:

Enhance public speaking skills

Build self-confidence

Connect with community

Strengthen your Joy Muscles

Increase self-expression and well-being

Overcome social anxiety


Workshop investment is $44

(remember this is tax-deductible if you are in any sort of profession that uses communication skills, team-building or public speaking)

Once your payment is received you will get confirmation of your spot being secured.

Local contact for this workshop is Anna Arch who can answer any questions about what it's like to be in my classes.
You can reach her at (605) 381-2821

All other inquiries go to me (Anoo Brod)
919-360-9265 (text is fine)